"We belong to the Self as the rays belong to the sun in the same way.

And even if nothing belongs to us, we live in everything, everywhere." Gilles Colombel

(excerpt from the book "Become transparent")

The Self

The Self is for all being, the center, the source, and the personality the periphery, the extension. We can live from the fullness of the Self through its recognition or from the suffering of the personality separated from its center.

This personality linked to the physical body, the intellect and the emotions, can be transparent to the Self or bereaved by the fear of disappearing.

The personality transparent to the Self allows one to manifest oneself in a different, unique and universal way.

The path is therefore always to see that interior and exterior are one great inseparable whole. "God is love. And the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him."

Why the Self is not recognized


We are stuck with the troubles of our personal life, identified with our personality.


What is to be achieved in life is seen as external.


It is not seen as a priority.


There is no weariness of what the outside world offers with its distractions, entertainments and addictions.


The feeling of being happy by our will, powerlessness not yet felt.


Fear of being rejected (family, lover, friends) or maladjusted (society). Importance of the gaze of the other, our image.


Religious conditioning and beliefs.


The sexual energy has not yet internalized.


Difficulty to keep in meditation when we are in activity, work, family, etc.


Lack of consistency, regularity in practice.


We intellectualize, speak, write, read and listen on this subject without experimenting.


Not enough western examples living an ordinary life that could inspire us, stimulate us and believe that it is possible.


Distorted or incomplete views about meditation.


We think we have time or not enough.


Beliefs that there is no or too much effort.


We don't choose a single practice, juste one path to focus our energy.


Belief in the obligation of a master or one follows a person who is not realized.


We do not make the link between our trials and the path to the Self.