"Love and serve is the greatest entertainment."  Gilles Colombel (excerpt from the book "Become transparent")

Initiations to the Self  Practice of the Divine Name

with Gilles Colombel

According to the tradition of spiritual transmission for the recognition of the Self, initiations are free. Thus, the dissemination of Namasmarana (practice of the Divine Name) is carried out with pure intention, free from any commercial spirit. The teacher offers the initiations as a service to others. At the end of the initiation, if you have gained satisfaction from it, you have the possibility of making a donation, according to your wishes and your means. Donations make it possible to offer other initiations.

(limited places please register)

Spring 2025

March 15, 16, 17  New-York

April 12, 13, 14  Paris

May 24, 25, 26  San-Francisco

Summer 2025

June 21, 22, 23  New-York